IT has begun making efforts to move all Microsoft-based workstations to Windows 10 based on the following:
- New Computers – All new PC computer models now come with Windows 10 Enterprise installed. There is no longer an option for Windows 7 when purchasing and imaging new computers.
- Reimaging Existing Computers (see note A) – Any PC computers that need to be reimaged and can run Windows 10 will have that operating system installed. As of January 1, 2018, any computers in need of reimaging that cannot run Windows 10 will need to be replaced.
- Voluntary Deployments (see notes A & B) – Any employee who has a UCA-supported PC computer model that can run Windows 10 may have it deployed by completing this request form.
- Required Deployments (see notes A & B) – On July 1, 2018, IT will begin the process of reimaging all UCA-supported PC computers still running Windows 7 to Windows 10. Beginning January 1, 2020, any PC computer not running Windows 10 will be blocked from the AD domain.
More information on this initiative can be found on the Windows 10 Rollout page.
To request a supported computer be moved to Windows 10, click the green 'Request Windows 10' button.
(A) It is the responsibility of the employee to back up files on a UCA-owned computer. Ensure that your data is backed up, saved on a UCA network drive or on a UCA Google Drive prior to reimaging. For more information see UCA Board Policy 412.
(B) End of UCA support for individual computer models may differ from end of Microsoft support date. Refer to the UCA supported computer list for end of UCA support dates.