Managing Departmental Google Accounts

Once and account is created and any initial assignments have been made, you can assign additional access to the Gmail and/or Calendar functions within the account.

Note: The Google Apps domain administrator for UCA will always have access to the department accounts. You do not have to worry about locking yourself out of your own account.

** Important notice on granting student access to this account

This document covers the following:

Changing Your Department Account Password

The initial password for your department email account should have been sent to the account owner. You can, and should, change the password for your department email account.

To change the password:

  1. Browse to
  2. Enter the account username and password received in the initial email and click the Login button.
    1. Upon the initial login, you will be presented with three questions. These are your forgotten password challenge questions and must be answered. You can use any response for the answers for your department account; however, you must remember them. If you ever forget the password to your department account you can visit this web site again to recover it, provided you remember the answers to these challenge questions.
    2. Provide answers to the challenge questions and click the Save Answers button.
    3. At the Success message, click the Continue button.
  3. On the Main Menu, click the Change Password link.
  4. Enter the new password for the account and click the Change Password button.
  5. At the Success message, click the Continue button.
  6. To log out, click the Sign Out button in the top right corner of the screen.

You should be taken back to the login screen. You can now close your Internet browser.

Accessing Your Department Account

You can access your department account directly by going to Simply enter account name and password. This will take you to your department account’s Gmail. From your Gmail you can access the department account’s Calendar.

NOTE: While you can access the department account via the delegated account list, you cannot make Account option changes. You MUST LOGIN DIRECTLY TO THE DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT to make changes in the Account options.

Student Access

IMPORTANT: You cannot assign students as delegates to a department account within Google. Students must log in to the department account directly. It is the responsibility of the department account owner to provide the student with the credentials of the account, including the password. This means that giving access to a student should be considered only if needed as the student will have full access to the account and make any account change, to include adding/editing/removing delegation assignments.

Assigning Access to Your Department Account’s Email

Note: When delegating access to email you must know the user’s email address, i.e. You will not be provided a list of possible matches or other directory to aid you.

IMPORTANT: You can delegate a maximum of 25 users to the email portion of the department account.
IMPORTANT: You cannot delegate email access to a student ( address). See important note above.

  1. Log in to the department account.
  2. Click on the gear icon (Settings) located toward the right top of the page.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Click on the Accounts link
  5. Look for the section titled "Grant access to your account" and click on the "Add another account" link.
  6. Enter the email address of the person you want to grant access to. This person must have a Google account.
  7. Click the Next Step button.
  8. Click the "Send email to grant access" button. This will send an email invitation to the user.
    Note: You will see a window informing you that the invitation is being sent. This window will close automatically. Do not close it yourself.
  9. Look for the newly added user under the same section on your Accounts/Settings page. You will notice that the status of the invitation is set to "pending."
    Note: Once the user accepts the invitation the status will change to "accepted."

Responding to an Invitation to Email

The user will receive an email message with the Subject of "UCA has granted you access." (UCA is the first name of all department accounts). The user will view the message and can either accept or reject it by clicking on one of the links provided. If accepted, the user will see a notice that it could take up to 30 minutes for the verification to complete, at which time the user will see a new delegated account listed.

Removing Access from a Delegated User

  1. Log in to the department account.
  2. Click on the gear icon (Settings) located toward the right top of the page.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Click on the Accounts link
  5. Look for the section titled “Grant access to your account” and find the user that you wish to remove from the access rights from.
  6. Click the delete link located on the right side of the page.
  7. Click the OK button when asked to verify your action.

Note: Access to the email account will be revoked immediately; however, the user will still see the delegation in their Google Apps account. It will take about 30 minutes for the listed delegation to be removed from their account.

Sharing the Calendar with Another User

Note: There is no limit to the number of shares you can create for the calendar. Shared calendars will appear under the "My calendars" heading of the user’s own calendar.

  1. Log in to the department account.
  2. Open the Calendar.
  3. Expand the "My calendars" heading located on the left side of the page. This is usually expanded by default.
  4. Move your mouse cursor over the calendar until you see a drop-down arrow located to the right of the calendar name. Click this and select Share this Calendar.
  5. Enter the email address of the user you wish to share the calendar with. This field will search your Contacts, and the Directory, in an effort to match a user in those lists.
  6. Click the drop-down arrow under the Permission Settings and choose the level of access you wish to grant for the user.
  7. Click the Add Person button.
  8. Click the Save button.

Responding to a Calendar Share Notice

The user will receive an email message with the Subject of "[email_address] has shared a calendar with you." This is a notification email only. There is no link to click to accept/decline the calendar share. The user will see the new calendar in their calendar list. The user may have to close their calendar and reopen it.

Managing Department Calendar Shares Within Your Own Personal Calendar

Can I Share out the Calendar if I Have Manage Share Access Rights from my Own Calendar?
Yes. If you have been assigned the rights to Manage Sharing on a shared calendar, you can create/remove shares from with your own calendar by following the steps above for Sharing the Calendar with Another User, with the exception of opening up that calendar because you are already there.