Institution Page - Student

Anatomy of the Institution Page

Your institution can customize the Institution Page to include a custom logo and banner image. Your institution name also appears at the top of the page.

Modules appear below the banner and institution information. There are two types of modules: Helpful Links and Custom Content.

The Helpful Links module is a list of links that your institution wants to share about a topic, event, or theme. A Helpful Links module may also include a banner image, title, and description. The first four links in the list appear in the module. To see all links, select Show All. A panel opens with all links contained in that module.

The Custom Content module appears differently based on how your institution sets it up. This module can include text, links, images, videos, and external tools your institution uses.


What doesn't appear on the Institution Page?

The Institution Page is where you can find valuable resources for your institution, but may not include everything you need. Check the Institution Page regularly for updated information.

Be sure to check other areas to keep up with your courses: