Video Editing Tools

To access the Video Editor window (KMS/KAF)

There are two ways to access the Video Editor window.

Option 1:

  1. Access the Media Entry Page.
  2. Choose Launch Editor from the ACTIONS drop down menu. 

Option 2:

  1. Access the Edit Media page.
  2. Click the Launch Editor button. 

The Video Editor window is displayed.

Video Editor Window Tabs

The Video Editor window displays the following navigation tabs:




Quiz Tab

Create and edit Interactive Video Quizzes (KMS/KAF only).

Editor Tab

Trim or clip media, and chop and splice media.

Hotspots Tab Create hotspots on your entry.
Advertisements Tab Set cue points for advertisements (KMC only).
Help Tab Includes helpful tips and accessibility information.
Exit Exit the Editor.


Depending on the type of application you are using and the type of media you selected, the Video Editor window displays the relevant tabs.

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Article ID: 127703
Wed 2/10/21 2:17 PM
Mon 11/15/21 2:14 PM