Accessibility (Audio and Video)

Audio set up with JAWS

If you are having issues with setting up your audio and video with JAWS, follow these steps:

  1. From a Collaborate session, press Tab to focus on the Share Audio button. If "Share Audio toggle button pressed, sharing audio" is not announced, you are not sharing audio.
  2. Disable and re-enable the JAWS virtual cursor. You can now use arrow keys to navigate Collaborate.
  3. Press the Down arrow to move through the controls and errors. You should hear a notice that the browser has blocked access to your camera and microphone.
  4. Press the Down arrow until JAWS lands on "Cancel Tech Check".
  5. Press Enter to exit the tech check.
  6. Move JAWS focus to the browser address bar.
  7. Press Tab to move to the indicator that states microphone and camera are blocked and press Enter.
  8. Press Tab to move to the Allow/block access radio buttons.
  9. Press the Down arrow to move to the Allow radio button and press Space.
  10. Press Tab to move to the Done button and press Enter.
  11. Move JAWS focus to the Collaborate window.
  12. Press Tab to move to My Settings and press Enter.
  13. Press Tab to move to Set up your camera and microphone and press Enter.
  14. Press the Up and Down arrows to select the microphone you want to use.
  15. JAWS announces "You sound great!" when Collaborate is receiving your audio. Press Tab to move to Yes, it's working and press Enter.
  16. Press the Up and Down arrows to select the camera you want to use.
  17. JAWS announces "You look great!" when Collaborate is receiving your video. Press Tab to move to Yes, it's working and press Enter.
  18. Press Tab to move to Close settings. Press Enter.

Audio set up with VoiceOver

Use the Tab key or VoiceOver cursor navigation keys to focus the Share Audio button. Press space to activate it. VoiceOver should announce that audio is shared.

If you are having issues with setting up your audio and view with VoiceOver, follow these steps:

  1. Find the “My Settings” toggle button and press Spacebar to select it.
  2. Find the “Audio and Video Settings” tab and press VO + Spacebar on it to select it.
  3. Tab to and press Spacebar on the “Set Up My Camera and Microphone” button.
  4. Press the Up and Down arrows to select the microphone you want to use.
  5. VoiceOver announces "You sound great!" when Collaborate is receiving your audio. Press the Arrow keys to move to "Yes, it's working" and press Enter.
  6. Press the Up and Down arrows to select the camera you want to use.
  7. VoiceOver announces "You look great!" when Collaborate is receiving your video. Press the Arrow keys to move to "Yes, it's working" and press Enter.
  8. Press VO + Spacebar on the “Close” button to close the dialog.

Audio notifications

Collaborate uses audio to alert you to something new. Different notifications have different sounds.

  • Mute: Sounds like a series of notes from high to low.
  • Unmute: Sounds like a series of notes from low to high.
  • Disconnected: Three notes that sound like "Buh da da".
  • Inactivity: Sounds like a bounce or spring.

You can choose to turn these notifications on or off.

  • Join session notification: Sounds like a boing.
  • New chat notification: Sounds like a thunk.
  • Hand raise notification: Sounds like "Duh da." Only moderators can hear hand raise notifications.
  • Leave session notification: Sounds like "Bing bong."


Watch a video playlist about audio notifications

Video playlist: Audio notifications in Blackboard Collaborate provides an overview of the audio alerts you hear in Collaborate.

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