Collaborate in the Blackboard App

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This information applies to Blackboard app 4.3.3+. If you are using an older version of the app, please jump to Collaborate on Blackboard App 4.3.2 or earlier.

You can launch Blackboard Collaborate Ultra sessions from the Blackboard app if a link is provided within a course. You're directed to a web browser to join the session.

Collaborate is supported on these devices and browsers:

  • Android: Chrome browser
  • iOS 11+: Safari browser

Collaborate Ultra is a synchronous web conferencing solution for high-quality virtual classes and meetings. Instructors can share files and video while interacting with the class. You don't have to install anything extra to join a session.

Collaborate with the Original experience isn't supported on mobile browsers.

Join session from course

Collaborate Ultra sessions are listed within courses in the app. Access a course, tap Collaborate under Course Materials, and select a session.

  • The Course Room is a default session in Collaborate Ultra. If your instructor disables this room, it will appear in the app as Locked.
  • Tap an available session to launch it in your device's mobile browser. You'll join the session as a participant.
  • Collaborate might ask you for permission to use your device's camera and microphone. Allow access to continue in the session.
  • Sessions that aren't available to you right now appear in the list but you can't access them.
  • Repeating sessions show each occurrence.

If you can, join your session early and get to know your way around.

Join session from link

You don't have to be enrolled in a course to join a Collaborate Ultra session. If your instructor provides you a link to the session, you're all set. Just access the link on your mobile device, tap it, and the session will launch in your mobile web browser.

Join session from a link

Collaborate features

Blackboard Collaborate is a real-time video conferencing tool that includes these features and more.

  • Add files
  • Share applications
  • Virtual whiteboard
  • Chat
  • Polling
  • Breakout groups

Learn how to participate in Collaborate sessions

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