Course Room

The course room is an open session dedicated to your course.

This makes it easier for you to use Collaborate with the Ultra experience in your courses. It also provides you and your students a convenient launch point for classes or impromptu meetings.

The course room is on by default but can be turned off. To learn more, see Turn off the course room.

Select the session name or Session options menu to join the session. This opens a panel with the information to you need to join the session:

  • Join Session link associated with your account. Select this to open the session. Each link is unique to an individual session and a user in that session. This means that the link only works for you in that session. You are not able to use the link to join session again or share your link with another user. Session links expire after 5 minutes.
  • Dial in information, if available

Turn off the dedicated course room

If you don't want students to view or join the open course room session, you can turn it off.

  1. Open the More menu for the course room.
  2. Select Lock course room.



Can my students use the room without me?

Yes, the room is on until you turn it off. To learn more, see Turn off the course room.


Why create new sessions if I have a course room?

There are a number of reasons you may want to create scheduled sessions when you have a course room. Two examples are:

  • Supervised sessions: When the course room is unlocked anyone can join the session at any time. Instructors don't have to be present for students to join the session. If you don't want students to join a session unsupervised, lock the course room and create scheduled sessions.
  • Multiple sessions at once: If you want to run multiple sessions at the same time for students to use as virtual study room, for example, you can create multiple sessions for the different groups to join.
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