Instructors can create groups of students within courses. Groups usually consist of a small number of students for study groups or projects. These groups have their own collaboration areas in the course so that they can communicate and share files.
Your instructor places you in a group or allows you to select the group you want to join. Your instructor chooses which communication and collaboration tools are available to your group.
Find your course groups
Your instructor can provide access to your course groups in three ways.

- Groups page link: The Groups page link appears on the course menu or in a content area. The Groups page lists all available groups and sign-up sheets for self-enroll groups.
- My Groups panel: The My Groups panel appears after the course menu. You have direct links to the group area for each group you belong to. You can expand the panel to reveal the available group tools. If you're enrolled in a group, the panel appears automatically.
- Group link: You may be able to access your groups in a course area with links to a single group, sign-up sheet, or the Groups page.
When you access your group, you see the group homepage. The group homepage is the center for group activity and can contain a description of the group, a list of members, and tools. If your instructor allows, you can customize this page with a banner, select a color scheme, and add personal modules, such as Report Card. Personal modules are visible only to the member who added the modules. You can also access your group tools and assignments here.
Watch a video about groups
Video: Work in student groups explains how to access your groups and use the group tools.
Sign up to join a course group
Your instructor may ask you to self-enroll in a course group. Based on your instructor's settings, you might see the names of other group members.
On the Groups page, select Sign Up or View Sign-up Sheet to Join a Group. When you select Sign Up again on the Sign Up Sheet page, you're automatically added to the group.

Disabled users are counted in the overall group enrollment total until the course membership or user are purged.
Create a group
If your instructor allows, you can create course groups that your classmates can join.
- On the Groups page, select Create Group.
- On the Create Self-Enrollment Group page, type the group name and description.
- Type a name for the Sign-up Sheet and Sign-up Sheet Instructions.
- Choose the Maximum Number of Members.
- Select Submit.
Exchange files with a group
With file exchange, you can share files with other members of your group, including your instructor.
You can't create folders in file exchange. With your group, decide how you want to name files so that they are easier to locate in a long list.
Add a file to the file exchange
Group Tools > File Exchange > Add File
Add a name for the file you want to upload. Browse for the file and submit.
Delete a file from the file exchange
You can delete any file, even if you didn't upload it. On the File Exchange page, select Delete in the file's menu.
Frequently asked questions
How do I remove myself or someone else from a group?
After you're enrolled in a group, only your instructor can remove you from a group, including self-enroll and student-created groups.
How can I add my classmates to a group I created?
If you create a group, your classmates have to self-enroll in the group. In the list of groups, they select Sign Up after the group name.
How do I join a group one of my classmates created?
Find the group listed on the Groups page and select Sign Up. The group displays in your My Groups area.