Grading - Instructor


Watch a video about the gradebook

The following narrated video provides a visual and auditory representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video, open the video on YouTube, navigate to More actions, and select Open transcript.

Video: Gradebook overview shows the grading interface.

Access the gradebook

See what you need to grade in all your courses. Or, drill right into a course and get started.

Global Grades page

Do you want to see everything that needs grading in all your courses?

This information also applies to organizations.

In the list where your name appears, you have access to all your grading tasks on the global Grades page. Select an item's title to open it in a layer. Choose a submission and start grading!

All your grading tasks are organized by course. No need to navigate to each course to see what's ready to grade. Want more details? Select a title, and view all the work and management functions.

You see items that are ready to grade or which assignments, tests, and graded discussions are overdue for how many students.

If you participate in courses as an instructor and a student, the page shows information for both roles.

Courses appear together in alphabetical order.

In the Original Course View, you complete your grading tasks in the original Grade Center interface.

Course gradebook

Ready to start grading?

Inside your course, you can open the course gradebook from the navigation bar. Select the Gradebook tab to access all the coursework that's specific to the course you're in.

The gradebook is populated with students when they're enrolled in your course. You can grade coursework, manage items, and post grades from two views:

  • Gradable items list
  • Student grid

Gradable Items list

The Gradable Items list is your default view of the course gradebook. You can view all the coursework you've assigned and your grading progress. You can also access the management functions.

You can switch to the Students tab to view an overall picture of each student’s engagement.

Determine your view. Change from list view to the student grid view.

Open items. Select an item's title to open a new layer. See whose submissions need grading and who hasn't received their grades yet. Use the Filter menu to display only those submissions that need grading. At this time, you can filter by All statuses and Needs grading. The Filter menu doesn't appear for group and discussion items. At this time, you can only grade journal submissions from the student grid view. Enhancements to the journal grading workflow are in progress at this time.

More about the submissions list

Check your progress. See how many submissions you need to grade and grades you have to post. Complete indicates you have no outstanding grading tasks for that item. All graded appears when all submitted attempts are graded and posted, but some students haven't submitted work yet and don't have grades.

Manage grades. Open an item's menu to access the management functions, such as Edit and Delete.

Add a row. Select the plus sign wherever you want to add a row:

  • Add Item: Add a row for coursework, such as a participation grade. Your title is limited to 255 characters. Choose the grade unit, such as points or letter.
  • Add Calculation: Add a row for a calculation, such as an average assignments grade.
  • Add Attendance: Add a row for attendance. After you add attendance, the add option won't appear in the menu again.

    If you want to remove attendance from the gradable items, you can do so from the attendance settings or the gradebook grid.

    More on the attendance feature

Rearrange items. Press the Move icon in the row of the item you want to move. The Move icon is the one with the two paired arrows. It won't be visible unless you mouse over the desired item row at the far right end of it. The item row won't move unless you select it by pressing on the corresponding arrow icon. Only then, you can drag and drop it to the new location.

Drag the item to the new location and release. The order you choose also appears in the grid view and on students' Grades pages. You can't move items in the grid view at this time.

More on rearranging the gradebook list view

Students tab

View information about your students and their engagement in your course from the Students tab.

  1. Change your view. Easily navigate between the Gradable Items and the Students tab to see your grading tasks and up-to-the-minute information about your students.
  2. View student information. View a list of your students along with columns for Student ID, Username, Last Access, and Overall Grade. For the Overall Grade column, you need to set up the overall grade for grades to appear in the grade pills. The overall grade displays as a grade or a percentage; you get to choose how it displays. You can sort the list in ascending, descending or default order by clicking the corresponding column header arrow icon.
  3. Search for a student. Limit your search to a few letters or the first or last name for the best results. You can also search by student ID and username, if the latter is made visible by your institution.
  4. Set your view. Use the Items per page menu to select how many student rows to show on a page.
  5. Navigate the list. Use the menu at the top or bottom of the page to move to the previous and next pages in the student list.
  6. Accommodations and Messages: Select the three dot menu at the end of each student row to view or create accommodations for a specific student, or to send direct messages. 


You can also sort the list by column selecting the arrow icon next to a column's name. Every time you select an arrow icon it will change to show the student list in ascending, descending or default order.

If you don't see any information under the Username column, you can ask your Administrator for guidance. Your institution may have privacy protection policies in place.


Select student names to view their submissions on their individual Student Grades page. In the Status column, you can see completed work, items that need grading, and grades you need to post. You can also view the grades and feedback you’ve provided, create accommodations and send direct messages.

You can select items that need grading and the submission opens.

If you provide a grade directly on the Student Grades page, the Override label doesn’t appear in this view. The Override label does appear on the item’s Submission page.

Send messages from the student list view

From the student list, you can send a message to anyone involved with your course.

Select the three dot menu at the right end of a student row. Select the Message Student option. The Message panel will open at the right side of the screen.

Messages you send from the student list view also appear on the Messages page.

You can send an email copy of a course message. Students might see, read, and act on important announcements and course messages when they receive a copy in their inboxes. Email copies are only delivered if recipients have valid email addresses in their Blackboard Learn profiles. When you select this option, all recipients of the message receive an email copy.

Recipients can view your message in their email inboxes, but won't be able to send an email to reply.

If you select the name of a student from the list, you will arrive to the Student Grades page. At the upper right corner you can select the Send message button from where you can also send a message to that student.

More on sending messages

Add accommodations from the Student list view

You can set accommodations for individual students. You can exempt students from assessment due dates or time limits. Use accommodations to help students progress in the course even though they may have difficulty with some requirements.

Select the three dot menu at the right end of a student row. Select the Accommodations option. The Accommodations panel will open at the right side of the screen.


If you select the name of a student from the list, you will arrive to the Student Grades page. Next to the student's name you can select the three dot menu from where you can also open the Accommodation panel for that student.

Once you have created accommodations for a student, a purple mark will appear in front of the student's name to indicate the student has accommodations.

You can also give an individual student an exception on a specific test or assignment. An exception includes additional attempts or extended access, even if the assessment is hidden from other students. An exception overrides the two settings applied to everyone else for only that specific assessment.

More on assessment exceptions

Student grid

The student grid displays the scores students have earned. Select a cell to begin grading.

If more than one student has the same name, select a student's profile picture. A pop-up profile card displays the student's ID. Duplicate names are ordered by ID.

If you hid student names for assessments without questions, you'll see Anonymous in each student's cell. You can't assign or edit grades.

More on anonymous grading

Manage columns. Select a column title to access the management functions, such as Edit and Delete.

Assign and manage grades. New Submission appears in cells when students have submitted work. Click anywhere in a cell to access the management functions or assign a grade. Select the cell or grade value to edit an existing grade or add a new entry. After you assign a value, click anywhere outside the grade area to save.

View submissions. If a submission exists, select View in the menu to view the student's work. The View option is disabled if no submission exists.

Post grades. When you're ready to release grades to students, select the Post option in the column header. All grades you've assigned for this column are posted for students to see. If you want to post one at a time, click within that student's cell and select Post in the menu. Posted grades appear with a Posted message in the column.

Add items or calculations. Select the plus sign wherever you want to add an item or calculation.

View total points. In each column header, you can view the total points for each item or calculation and easily see the grade each student earned.

View your grading progress. In each column header, the number of graded submissions appears, along with the number of grades you've posted. When you've graded and posted all the submissions, Complete appears.

Search the gradebook

In grid view, you can narrow your view to show only one student's row, one column, or an entire category, such as assignments.

For example, you can search for a specific student by name or ID and focus on that student's attempts and grades. You can also share grades with the student in a live office session. The grades for other students are protected and privacy is maintained.

In the search box, type one or more characters. The search results include all students, columns, and categories that match, in that order. Make a selection from the list or refine your search.

After you make a selection, the student's row, column, or category of columns appears. Select the X in the search box to return to the full gradebook grid view.

You can also search an item's submissions list for a specific student or group.

Filter by merged courses

You can filter your gradebook view based on merged courses. In the student grid view, select Filter to open the Filter Criteria panel. Filter only appears if you have merged courses. All the students from all your merged courses appear in the active filter area.

As you select child courses in the panel, the list of students changes to match enrollment in the child courses. You can select one or more child courses.

The information at the top of the panel shows how many courses you chose. Select the X to collapse the panel and increase the area to view the student grid. Select Clear all to clear the check boxes.

After you've filtered your view, you can use the search function to narrow the results.

Gradebook settings

From your course gradebook, you can add or make changes to your existing settings to fit your grading methods. Select the Settings icon to access the Gradebook Settings panel.

Gradebook Settings panel

From the Gradebook Settings panel, you can manage Grade Schemas and Grade Categories, add Automatic Zeros and establish Student Performance settings.

Student Performance

From this section, you can adjust the activity performance criteria required to receive alerts in your activity stream such as days of inactivity or limit percentage grades and, in turn, send those alerts to students. The link to View class performance behavioral graphic is visible only for those courses with enough data to populate it.

Select View class performance to open the corresponding graphic and the list of students for the course. You can in turn select any student to check on an individual performance.

Grade Schemas

You can make changes to the default grading schema. You can also view the gradebook categories and create and manage rubrics. Last but not least, you can create and manage grade notations to override a student's overall grade and assign automatic zeros.


When you create a gradable item, it automatically appears in the gradebook and is associated with the appropriate category. You can use categories when you create calculated items, such as an assignments average.

You can create new categories to customize how coursework is grouped in your course. You can use custom categories when you set up the overall grade.

To create a new gradebook category, select the Settings icon. In the Gradebook Settings panel, select Add New Category and type a name.

Each time you create a graded item in your course, you have the option to change the grade category so the item is grouped into one of the custom gradebook categories. On the Gradebook Settings panel, select the custom category in the Grade Categories menu.

More on how to create a test

More on how to create an assignment

Overall grade notations

You can create and manage grade notations to override a student's overall grade if their performance falls outside the defined schema. For example, if a student has to withdraw from your course in the middle of a semester, you can use a grade notation to indicate the student's circumstance or situation without assigning an actual grade.

Create a grade notation in the Gradebook Settings panel. To apply a grade notation, go back to the gradebook in grid view and select within a student's overall grade cell. In the menu, choose the notation. The cell will turn gray to indicate that you overrode the overall grade.

To remove the override, select the student's overall grade cell and select Undo Override. The overall grade reverts back to the overall grade calculation you defined for the course.

Download and upload grades

You can download the full gradebook or select columns from your Ultra courses. You can export the file in a comma-delimited (CSV) or tab-delimited (XLS) format. You choose whether to save the file to your device or the Content Collection.

You can import your downloaded file into an application such as Microsoft ®Excel® to do statistical analysis or other ad hoc computational work.

You can also upload a grade file you worked on offline and update your gradebook.

More about working offline with grades

Assign automatic zeros

You can choose to automatically assign zeros to missing work past the due date. Students and groups can still submit work after an automatic zero is assigned. Then, you can grade as normal.

After you enable this setting, you don't have to go through your gradebook to manually assign zeros. The automatic zeros setting applies to these graded items:

  • Assignments and group assignments
  • Tests and group tests
  • Graded individual and group discussions

The automatic zeros setting doesn't apply when you collect submissions offline. You manually create the student attempts and submission dates and times.

More on collecting submissions offline

In the Gradebook, select the Settings icon to access the Gradebook Settings panel. Select the Assign automatic zeros for past due work check box. This setting is enabled by default in new courses.

Next, select Assign Zeros. All past due work will receive automatic zeros. Affected students’ point totals will update.

Automatic zeros on the Gradebook page

In list view, students' grade pills display "0" when no submissions exist and the due date has passed. The label Automatic zero appears next to the grade pills. The label Complete also appears as you have nothing to grade. Automatic zeros post automatically.

On the Gradebook page in grid view, the column titles are in red when the due date has passed. In student cells, "0" and Automatic zero appear.

Students can submit late to update their grades. You may want to include how late work is graded in item instructions or your syllabus. When a student submits after the due date, the automatic zero is removed. A late label appears with the submission date and time.

Students with due date accommodations aren't affected by this setting. You can add a due date accommodation to revoke an automatic zero. Automatic zeros are assigned to work that's past due when you add a new student or group to your course.

If a member of a group has a due date accommodation, the group inherits that accommodation. No one in the group receives an automatic zero after the due date passes.

More on due date accommodations

Disable automatic zeros

You can disable the automatic zeros setting at any time. In the Gradebook Settings panel, clear the automatic zeros check box. Next, make a selection:

  • Keep existing automatic zeros
  • Clear existing automatic zeros

Automatic zeros will no longer be assigned. If you cleared the automatic zeros, affected students' point totals are updated.

Change the due date

You can change the due date of an item that already has automatic zeros assigned in the gradebook. You receive a confirmation about the consequences:

  • Change due date to a date in the future: Existing automatic zeros for past due work will be cleared.
  • Change due date to a date in the past: The item is now past due and zeros will be assigned.

If you select Cancel, the due date reverts to the original due date.



Article ID: 135620
Thu 12/2/21 10:02 AM
Thu 12/2/21 10:02 AM