Import or Export Tests, Surveys, and Pools


In the Original Course View, you can export and import tests, surveys, and pools to use in other courses or share with other instructors.

Imported tests are available in the Tests section when you create a pool.

You export tests, surveys, and pools as ZIP files that you or other instructors can import into other courses.

You can also import test banks and question pools from your textbook publisher. Check your specific publisher's website for instructions on how to export and save the questions in a format that is compatible for import into Blackboard Learn.

Watch a video about exporting and importing tests and surveys

The following narrated video provides a visual and auditory representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video, open the video on YouTube, navigate to More actions, and select Open transcript.

Video: How to Export and Import a Test or Survey explains how to export a test or survey from one course and import it into another course.

Import a test, survey, or pool

  1. On the Control Panel, expand the Course Tools section and select Tests, Surveys, and Pools.
  2. On the Tests, Surveys, and Pools page, select the item you want to import, such as Pools.
  3. Select Import.
  4. On the Import page, browse for the file from your computer or your course's file repository: Course Files or the Content Collection.
  5. Select Submit.

Export a test, survey, or pool

  1. Access the menu for a test, survey, or pool and select Export.
  2. Select OK in the pop-up window to save the file.

If your institution has access to the content management features, two export options appear in the menu. To save the file to your computer, select Export to Local Computer. To save the file in the Content Collection, select Export to Content Collection.


You can import only test, survey, and pool ZIP files exported from Blackboard Learn.

If they're in the proper format, you can import tests and surveys created by others at other institutions or created in older versions of Blackboard Learn.



Article ID: 104002
Wed 4/1/20 5:02 PM
Fri 9/24/21 12:21 PM