

What are the differences between a test, pool, and survey?

Tests are assessments evaluated for a grade.

Surveys are anonymous and aren't scored. You can see if a student has completed a survey, and view survey results in aggregate.

Pools are groups of questions you can include in tests and surveys.

What do I need to know before creating a test?

After you build a test or survey, you create questions or add existing questions from other tests, surveys, and pools. On the Question Settings page, you can adjust question settings.

More on question settings

Then, you choose the options and deploy the test or survey in a content area or folder. When you add a test or survey to a content area, it's "deployed."

More on test and survey options

More on deploying tests

You add questions to tests and surveys in the same way, but you don't add points to survey questions because they aren't graded.

More on test and survey results

How do I create a test?

Control Panel > Course Tools > Tests, Surveys, and Pools > Tests or Surveys

  1. On the Tests page, select Build Test.
  2. On the Test Information page, type a name. Optionally, provide a description and instructions.
  3. Select Submit.
  4. On the Test Canvas from the Create Question menu, select a question type.
  5. On the Create/Edit page, provide the necessary information to create a question.
  6. Select Submit.
  7. When you have added all the questions you need, select OK. The test is added to the list on the Tests page and is ready to make available to students.

More on adding and reordering questions

Watch a video about creating tests

The following narrated video provides a visual and auditory representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video, open the video on YouTube, navigate to More actions, and select Open transcript.

Video: How to create a test in Blackboard Learn shows how to create a test, add questions, and make the test available to students in the Original Course View.



Article ID: 101496
Mon 3/16/20 1:52 PM
Thu 2/16/23 3:56 PM